Seminar for the HEAS Seminar Series – Ancient Genomics

Podcast Interview with Victoria Oberreiter for HEAS Vienna. YOUTUBE LINK

Video abstract “Genetic traces of the prehistory of Chile”, Current Biology

RTS – Radio Télévision Suisse “Génétique et langage n’évoluent pas toujours en parallèle, selon une étude” LINK

Making a short movie about Language for the Zurich SciFilm Hackathon
“Movie hackathon: a film on Language in 72 hours”

Participating to the documentary “Peru’s Mysterious Cloud Warriors” about the history of the Chachapoya, for Curiosity Stream channel. Preview video clip  LINK

Interview for the University of Zurich UZH Magazine “Schleicher’s Dream” LINK

The Atlantic: “Has Humanity’s Homeland Been Found?” LINK

Smithsonian Magazine: “When Genetics and Linguistics Challenge the Winners’ Version of History” LINK

Max Planck Society:

“Genes and tongues are not always tied together” LINK

“Human genetic diversity of South America reveals complex history of Amazonia” LINK

“Languages and Genes Shed Light on pre-Incan Cultural Development in Central Andes” LINK

“Populations Along the Eastern Mediterranean Coast Share a Genetic Heritage That Transcends Nationality” LINK


Intervista per Pikaia: “Genetica e linguistica raccontano l’antica storia dei Mapuche” LINK

Seminario “In viaggio verso sud: la rotta delle Americhe” per l’Istituto Italiano di Antropologia (IsItA)

Intervista a Radio3Scienza “Found in translation” LINK

Il Fatto Quotidiano: “Non sempre lingua e genetica vanno di pari passo, così lo studio dei ricercatori di Zurigo contrasta con Darwin” LINK

Intervista per Pikaia: “Le lingue e i geni si evolvono assieme, tranne quando non lo fanno…” LINK

Intervista per Oggiscienza: “Come gli strumenti musicali raccontano l’evoluzione culturale in Sud America” LINK

Intervista per Betapress “La genetica che ricostruisce la storia”

Intervista per OggiScienza: “Qual è la “patria” dell’essere umano moderno?” LINK

Intervista per Micron: “Le Ande precolombiane sotto la lente del DNA” LINK


La Tercera, Chile: “¿De dónde provienen los mapuches? Estudio reconstruye el eslabón perdido de su genética” LINK

El Comercio, Peru: “Estudio de ADN revela resistencia de cultura chachapoyas a dominio inca” LINK


Interview for the UZH Magazine Die Wurzeln der Mapuche” LINK 

Interview for SRF – Swiss Radio Television, special episode of Einstein “Wunder der Sprache: Ursprung und Zukunft der menschlichen Sprache” LINK

Video Frame SRF Einstein

Interviewed for the science podcast at “Neue alte Geschichte” LINK